University of Miskolc along with seven firms created „ESÉLY” Regional Life-Long Learning Cluster under the project of TÁMOP-4.1.1/A-10/1/KONV, on May 11, 2011, later four other members joined the group

The reason for this establishment was that the members of the adult education market -educational organizations, companies, institutions- needed an integration and coordination „deflector” that can support the meeting of the individual (company) and public requirements-in professional, methodological and financial fields as well.

This organization aims to initiate communication between the economic persons in the region, the disadvantaged people who can not find work because of the lack of qualification and between  companies, organizations in education It  coordinates efficiently such trainings that harmonizes the labour supply and demand in the region.


The development aims of the cluster:

§      Development and operation of LLL (Life-Long Learning) services;

§      Measuring and making the use of modern adult education methods and good practises;

§      Organized presentation and expansion of regional adult education associations and partnerships;

§      Practice-oriented development of the adult education system in University of Miskolc;


 Innovative services

Stakeholders of the cluster are the university, organizations, institutions and companies of adult  education in the region.  Besides the basic cluster services the following innovative services are provided by the work of the cluster, and they are under way:

§      Adult education and distance learning method bank gives  frame and scope to up-to-date and successful  adult education methods and modern education forms that can make the activity of the clustermore effective.

§      E-learning Consultant Center works out, establishes and operates the modern adult education methods that can raise the quality and efficiency  of education for everybody who are involved in the cluster and the services of them are available for the members of the cluster.

§      Adult Education Information and Record System along with the appropriate data based information system ensures the whole (personal, educational, financial etc.) registration of the adult education procedure in the cluster and the modern and quick course management.  


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